Tuesday, December 12, 2017

New Gym, Different Feeling

In an effort to mix things up and wake up my excitement about working out again, I tried a new gym.  It was still a CF gym but closer to work and allowed me to break up my day with a new routine.  It was nice to see how other CF'ers workout and how the environment was different than what I am used to.  All-in-all, I was not all that impressed with the experience.  No one was there and the passion was missing for me that I get out of my other gym.  Part of that was there was only one other person in the boot camp style class and I like to feed off of others there to push myself.  Since this other person was brand new, I had to rely on myself which is not my strong suit.
What I really wanted to find out was if mixing up my routine would A) lead me to join this new gym and rekindle my passion for this or B) I would realize I have a great gym and really need to use it more.  Right now, I feel I just need to get into my current gym more and push past the hurdles that I am putting up.  That last sentence could not be more true.  I am putting up hurdles for myself.  No one else is telling me I cannot do it or that I don't have time.  The toughest part is getting there and once I do, I feel the passion everyone else has and feed off of that until we get started.  I just need to get my butt out of bed and get it done.  The framed art next to my bed that says, "Wake Up and Be Awesome" needs to be a mantra and not just framed art next to my bed.
