Thursday, June 7, 2018

Better w/ Age

I used to think that when I was in my 20's that I was hitting my stride and feeling like I was in great shape only to look back on them now and realize I was coasting due to... being in my 20's.  My body was able to keep the majority of lbs off by metabolism alone and very little work. I can tell there was little there other than what nature had given me, nothing had been earned.  Now that I am closer to 40 than 30, I took a trip down memory lane and in those pictures, I see that there is a difference.  Don't get me wrong, I still have a fair amount of dad-bod to shed but feel like I have earned what I have and that is important to me.  It keeps me going and the main reason I feel I can bounce back from taking a few months off instead of just falling back into my old habits permanently.
I wish I would have realized then how it felt to earn something in my 20's as it does today (said most everyone in their late 30's and 40's).  It is a whole new level of pride when you see the changes in your body and that you have had a direct impact on what you feel like on a daily basis.  I hope that everyone finds this because it is truly a great thing.  That feeling combined with taking control of your own health and well being is liberating and opens up so many thoughts to what you can accomplish outside of health and wellness.  It truly bleeds into everyday life.
