Monday, October 30, 2017

Back at it

Time to get back after it.  I took a few weeks to let my body recover by only running, I am needing to get back to it.  With a pregnant wifey and little man keeping most of my attention, I fell off the path and it took me a few weeks to get back on.  I made it in this morning to the 5:45a class and it felt great.  Waking up at 5:15a was no fun but my logic seems to help when it is tough to get out of bed.  I have been telling myself on those cold, early mornings that an additional 30 minutes in bed waiting until little man wakes up (which I am more than likely not sleeping for that time) is not better than the feeling I have all day when I go to my class.  At first, I kept talking myself out of that thought process and chalked it up to cheesy "You can do!" mantra but it is true.  I feel it starts my day off so well to have that done.  It also gives me a chance to move around all day and keep soreness from setting in (at least I think it does).  I have not medical backing to that but I'll run with it.  
To piggyback on that, it also gives me an excuse to eat better.  More often than not, I find myself giving myself a cheat day because I was not working out.  Not a good idea when you are taking multiple days/weeks off to "recover".  On top of my body recovering, I also recovered 5 pounds I had once lost.  No bueno.  So finding a reason to eat good after a few tough weeks is another good feeling.  I try not to waste my workout days with eating bad.  If I can string a few workout days together, I will be back on track before I can get back into AmeriCone Dream (you are evil people Ben and Jerry).  


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Push-ups Update

Well... I made it 34 days and hit a wall.  Mostly a wall comprised of knowing I had finished my goal of 30 days and 3,000.  On top of what I mentioned in my previous post about tracking things better, I want to make sure I have a target that is perpetual in nature or have another challenge ready to go.
I am brainstorming what we are doing for November so stand by.  We will have something determined shortly.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

3,000...and Counting

September has come and gone and so have the push-ups, for the most part.  If I stopped now, there would be something wrong about posting on TPUD so I will keep them going.
I really hit a wall on day 27 & 28 as I was battling a nasty chest cold. Every time I did a set of 10 (when usually I did sets of 20-25) by chest felt worse with each ensuing set.  I considered stopping but knowing how close I was to finishing out the month and that they really wouldn't hurt me long term, I decided to get it done.  Looking back, I am happy I did but during it was not comfortable and had me considering the unsavory alternative.
The experience of doing the push-ups was not exactly what I wanted out of it as it became a chore to power through them.  I really wanted it to be an eye opening experience where I tracked my progress on different levels (chest size, max number I could do in a row, etc.).  Now that I know more that it is possible, I may revamp the challenge knowing it is possible and start with a baseline on a number of different things.  As some of you may know, I LOVE data and spreadsheets.  Having data to backup what you are doing is a great feeling (for me).  I am not sure why but I think it is my nerdy-ness that takes over.

3,000 push-ups is a lot for a month but focusing on the smaller goal each day really made it more manageable.  Lots of small goals equal big changes.  One day at a time.
