Monday, January 21, 2019

Unreal Stretch

Wow... All I can say is wow.  I have been on a free fall for the last 10 months when it comes to working out and this is my first post since June.  The good thing is that all my zero readers/subscribers are patient and willing to wait it out for me and to you, I thank you.  As for the rest of you, you get to read this in succession without any delay from the previous post so here it goes.
To sum up the last 10 months, we added a new baby girl, moved from our loft downtown into a great house in the suburbs (not as bad as I thought it might be) and had changes in my job that has kept me out of the gym.  That all adds up to a bunch of excuses and self-loathing.  Especially the day after my hometown Kansas City Chiefs just lost in the AFC Championship game.  If you don't watch football, it's a pretty big deal but I will make it.  
The reason I write today is to try and get back into the healthy mindset and to get myself into a groove.  I am currently 210 lbs which isn't as bad as I have been in the past.  My body comp isn't looking great at 22% BF so I have some work to do.  I am going to start small by just getting into the gym and building on that.  I don't have a plan yet but as I build up to doing more classes and getting into a routine, I will start to map out what I plan to do.  One of the things I have realized is that I cannot overwhelm myself with overly lofty goals because if I do not accomplish them, I will fall short, frustrating myself in the process and stifling any momentum I have.  I am not saying I don't challenge myself, I just know I am not going to back to CrossFit if I know I am not ready for that.  Start small and get that momentum and at that point, I tend to just off the deep end and really go for it.  That takes time but once I get there, let the yo-you dieting commence.
I cannot wait for the first post-workout entry as it is important for me to be held accountable to those who rely on my blog for inspiration and a reason for logging onto the world-wide-web each and every day.
