Tuesday, October 3, 2017

3,000...and Counting

September has come and gone and so have the push-ups, for the most part.  If I stopped now, there would be something wrong about posting on TPUD so I will keep them going.
I really hit a wall on day 27 & 28 as I was battling a nasty chest cold. Every time I did a set of 10 (when usually I did sets of 20-25) by chest felt worse with each ensuing set.  I considered stopping but knowing how close I was to finishing out the month and that they really wouldn't hurt me long term, I decided to get it done.  Looking back, I am happy I did but during it was not comfortable and had me considering the unsavory alternative.
The experience of doing the push-ups was not exactly what I wanted out of it as it became a chore to power through them.  I really wanted it to be an eye opening experience where I tracked my progress on different levels (chest size, max number I could do in a row, etc.).  Now that I know more that it is possible, I may revamp the challenge knowing it is possible and start with a baseline on a number of different things.  As some of you may know, I LOVE data and spreadsheets.  Having data to backup what you are doing is a great feeling (for me).  I am not sure why but I think it is my nerdy-ness that takes over.

3,000 push-ups is a lot for a month but focusing on the smaller goal each day really made it more manageable.  Lots of small goals equal big changes.  One day at a time.


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