Saturday, September 16, 2017

15 down, 15 to go

Over the last 15 days, I have learned something. push-ups get easier and harder at the same time.  Let me explain...  The first few days it was hard pushing through the 100 physically and now it has become a mental game.  Not a game I particularly like to play but I am happy to play if it means the push-ups themselves are getting easier and they are.  I have got more in-tune with what my body is able to do in a given time and that is important when I had already worked out and want to prevent injury.  I pushed it a little much on Thursday this week as I did a CF class and tried to do all my push-ups in 5 minutes.  Not only was it a lot tougher than stretching it out by a few minutes, I woke up the next morning with a very sore back.  Coupled with a workout that was focused on legs and back, I think my form suffered and put a lot of pressure on my back muscles.  This experience will keep me reminded to spread the them out throughout the day and not to wait until 11:45pm to get them in.
Outside of that, keeping up with everything is getting tougher.  I have a 2 year old who seems to down an entire pot of coffee before I pick him up from school and an understandably sick/pregnant wife who should not be responsible for keeping up with his sport-focused mind.  This puts some additional focus on father-son bonding and keeps me from keeping up on eating and going to my classes.  This is no fault of either of them, I just have had a tough time finding the motivation to keep the wheels turning when I do have the time.  The push-ups have helped but I need to keep my focus.  Mama is headed out of town this week so I will have to put in the extra effort in being dad-of-the-year and keep my momentum.  Wish me luck...


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